Assam State Museum Assam State Museum

Assam State Museum

The museum is also in a very convenient location for tourists since it is situated right in the center of the city. Being in such an ideal location means it is usually a busy and bustling place.

Assam State Museum

The museum is also in a very convenient location for tourists since it is situated right in the center of the city. Being in such an ideal location means it is usually a busy and bustling place. You will likely come across a variety of other tourists, as well as a good few history buffs during your visit to the museum.

The State Museum has a rich history. In 1940, during colonization of British in India, the museum had its start. It had a purpose of boasting the handicrafts, sculptures, and traditions of North East India at the time. In 1953 the museum was taken on by the State.

Visitors to the museum can enjoy a rich choice of artefacts and sculptures some of which go right back to the fifth century. However, not everything here dates back quite so long! Visitors can also enjoy the more modern artefacts from World War Two. For people who love learning about the culture, history, and traditions of the destination they are visiting, the Guwahati State Museum is certainly worthy of a visit.

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